食物到日期的意思可能和你想的不一樣 Food to date may not mean what you think it means
1.美國的食品浪費有 37% 來自於個人家戶.
37% of US food waste comes from individual households.
2.但當超級市場開始銷售加工食品, 就越來越難估計產品放了多久。
But when supermarkets began stocking processed foods, product ages became harder to gauge.
3.事實上,決定這些日期的方式 背後也很少有科學根據, 通常也沒有規則規定要用什麼日期。
In fact, it’s rarely decided with any scientific backing, and there are usually no rules around what dates to use.
這個影片中我學習到生活中在超商買的食物上面寫的不是有效日期,而是最佳賞味期。至於為什麼製造商和零銷商都會想把日期設置早一點,是確保客人會在食品狀態最好的時候嚐嚐它們, 然後再回購更多
In this video, I learned that the expiration date is not written on the food you buy at the supermarket, but the best before date. The reason why manufacturers and retailers want to set the date earlier is to ensure that customers will try the food when it is in its best condition and then return for more.